Armamentarium: ORIF Mandible Fracture

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  • Local anesthesia
  • Chlorhexidine or betadine mouth prep
  • Dental extraction instruments PRN
  • #15 blade
  • Monopolar/bipolar electrocautery with Colorado tip
  • #9 periosteal elevator
  • Langenbeck retractors (S,M,L)
  • Drill with fissure bur, pineapple bur
  • Bone reduction forcep
  • Plating system with drill bits, plates, screws. Trocar system PRN
  • Arch bars or means of maxillomandibular fixation
  • 3-0 chromic or vicryl sutures

If Extraoral

  • Nerve stimulator (if extraoral)
  • Vascular clips (S,M)
  • 2-0 or 3-0 silk ties
  • Hemostatic agent
  • Drain (penrose, etc.)
  • 2-0 or 3-0 vicryl sutures
  • Skin sutures i.e. 5-0 plain gut