Armamentarium: Upper Blepharoplasty

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  • 1 Basic Pack
  • 1 Split Sheet
  • 1 Mayo Cover
  • 1 Raytec
  • 1 Lap
  • 1 Specimen Cup
  • 1 Bovie Pencil
  • 1 Bovie Pad
  • 1 Needle Book
  • 1 Laser Drape
  • 1 Suction Tubing
  • 1 Yankeur (HOLD)
  • 1 Pack Sterile Towels
  • 3 Gowns
  • 1 Bed Cover
  • 2 Gloves Scrub
  • 2 Gloves (8)
  • 1 B SS
  • 1 Pack 4x4 Gauze
  • 2 Packs Q-Tips
  • 1 Blue Pad
  • 1 Steristrips
  • 1 Mastisol
  • 1 Dental Needle 30g
  • 6 Carpules
  • 1 Jelco (pink)
  • 1 60cc Syringe
  • 1 Syringe 10cc
  • 1 Needle 30g
  • 1 Utah Tip
  • 2 Donuts


  • Metal Eye Shields
  • Squeegee
  • Dental Syringe
  • Gloves (8)
  • 4x4
  • Specimen Cup
  • Carpules (6)
  • Small Bowl
  • Dental Needle 30g


  • Deans
  • Browns
  • Iris
  • Stat
  • Small Needle Holder (2)
  • DeBakeys


  • 2 Plain Gut 6-0 G-1
  • 2 Prolene 6-0 P-3


  • Eye Pack (Ice)
  • BSS Ophthalmic Ointment


  • Plastic Set
  • Mag. Pad
  • Large Bowl
  • Lt Handle
  • Smoke Evacuator
  • Incisional Handpiece 0.2/Fine Tip

IF LACRIMAL SUSPENSION (add the following):

  • 1 Vicryl 3-0 RB-1
  • #9 Elevator
  • #7 Elevator
  • Senn Rake

IF P-TOSIS REPAIR (add the following):

  • 1 Vicryl 4-0 P-3
  • 1 Plain Gut 6-0 G-1

IF CANTHOPEXY (add the following):


  • 1 Blade #15


  • 1 Prolene 4-0 P-3
  • 1 Plain Gut 6-0 G-1


  • 2 Elevators #9


  • Stryker Drill & Canthopexy Drill Bit