OMFS Extraction Consultation
CC: ***
HPI: *** who presents to the OMFS clinic today as a referral from *** for removal of ***. He denies any swelling, fever, dysphagia, dyspnea or odynophagia but reports pain in ***. His restorative dentist is ***, who is planning to make a ***.
PMH: denies
PSH: denies
Meds: denies
Allergies: NKDA
SH: denies tobacco
ROS: good exercise tolerance, no chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, palpitations
Gen: NAD, AAOx3
Head: NC AT
Eyes: EOMI b, sclera white
Ears: normal external appearance, EAC clear
Nose: nares patent
Throat: normal oropharyngeal tone, tonsillar pillars symmetric, Mallampati I
Mouth: MIO ***mm, good oral hygiene, no gross caries
Neck: full neck ROM, neck supple, >6cm thyromental distance
Cardiac: RRR
Resp: non-labored breathing on room air, CTAB
Abdomen: no distention
Extremities: moves all extremities, warm and well-perfused
Assessment: *** with carious ***, patient ASA I
- extraction of #***
- local anesthesia