Consult Note: Dental Implant

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OMFS Implant Consult

CC: missing teeth

HPI: *** who presents to the OMFS clinic today as a referral from ***. The patient states he lost teeth #***s due to ***. bruxsim

PMH: denies

PSH: denies

Meds: denies

Allergies: NKDA

SH: denies tobacco, RDU, occasional EtOH

ROS: good exercise tolerance, no chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, palpitations


Gen: NAD, AAOx3

Head: NC AT

Eyes: EOMI b, sclera white

Ears: normal external appearance, EAC clear

Nose: nares patent

Throat: normal oropharyngeal tone, tonsillar pillars symmetric

Mouth: MIO 45mm, good oral hygiene, no gross caries

*** site: KG ***, BL ***, MD ***, *** restorative space

*** site: KG ***, BL ***, MD ***, *** restorative space

*** site: KG ***, BL ***, MD ***, *** restorative space

Adjacent teeth condition including gingival margin location:  ***

Neck: full neck ROM, neck supple, >6cm thyromental distance

Cardiac: RRR

Resp: CTAB, non-labored breathing on room air

Abdomen: no distention

Extremities: moves all extremities, warm and well-perfused

Imaging: ***

Assessment: *** year old *** with missing #***.


- implant placement ***