Surgeon(s): ***
Assistant Surgeon(s): ***
Preoperative Diagnosis: ***
Postoperative Diagnosis: Same
Procedure(s): ***
Anesthesia: General
Implants: None
Drains: None
Fluids: See anesthesia record
EBL: Minimal
Complications: None
Counts: Correct x2
Indications: ***
Findings: As expected
Procedure in Detail:
The patient was seen in the preoperative holding area with a H&P was updated, consents were verified, surgical site marked, and all questions and concerns related to the proposed procedure were discussed in detail. The patient was transferred to the operating room by the anesthesia team. The patient underwent general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation. Tegaderms were placed over the eyes. The patient was prepped and draped in the standard fashion for maxillofacial procedures. A time-out was performed and the procedure began.
The upper extremity was inflated to 250 mmHg with a tourniquet. A releasing incision was made from the antecubital fossa to the planned skin only. The muscle bellies of the FCR and brachioradialis were separated and the pedicle was identified. This was then traced proximally to the bifurcation of the brachial artery and the ulnar artery was identified and preserved. Radial VC convergent to a large system suitable for microvascular anastomosis. The cephalic vein was clipped and divided. The skin island was then raised in a subfascial plane, taking care to identify and preserve the superficial branch of the radial nerve. From the ulnar direction the S and FPL muscles were identified in order to stay underneath the pedicle. Pedicle was then suture ligated and divided distally and the flap was raised in a distal to proximal direction. At this point, the tourniquet was released and the extremity was allowed to perfuse demonstrating excellent return of color, warm with a cap refill to the 4 fingers and thumb with good pulsatile flow to the flap and bleeding from the cut edges.
Radial vessels were then clipped, divided and flushed with heparinized saline. He was transferred to the neck for insetting anastomosis. Skin paddle was inset and transferred appropriately in a tension-free manner into the left neck. A sterile operating microscope was then brought into the field and the radial artery was sutured to the branch off the facial artery using 8-0 nylons in a running continuous fashion. Vein was secured to the common facial using a 4 mm coupler. Release of the vascular clamps demonstrated excellent flow across the anastomosis with return of color, warmth and cap refill to the flap. Forearm donor site was irrigated and repaired by first harvesting a split thickness skin graft from the _____ power dermatome. This was used to cover the volar surface defect and pie crusted. Releasing incision was then closed in layer and a bolster dressing with a negative pressure wound vacuum device was placed. Short arm volar splint was also applied.
The patient's face was then cleaned and the posterior pharynx was suctioned. An OG tube was used to suction out the contents of the stomach. Tegaderms were removed from the eyes. Dressings were placed. The patient was then transferred back to the care of the anesthesia team for extubation and recovery.