Surgical Atlas
Subplatysmal Flap

Subplatysmal Flap

Open Dropdown

Preoperative Considerations


  • Discuss neck incision/expected scarring
  • Numbness in great auricular distribution
  • Marginal mandibular/cervical weakness 


  • Supine
  • Shoulder roll for neck extension
  • Paralytics are OK 


  • None


  • Local anesthesia
  • Monopolar/Bipolar Electrocautery
  • #15/10 blade
  • Double prong skin hooks
  • Debakey
  • Vascular Clips (S/M)
  • Tonsil
  • Fish hooks/ Lone star self retaining retractor
  • 3-0 Vicryl
  • Skin sutures


A person with lines on his neckDescription automatically generated
A person drawing a line on their neckDescription automatically generated
A person with a scar on their backDescription automatically generated

A close up of a woundDescription automatically generated
A person's hand holding a surgical scissorsDescription automatically generated
A person performing surgery on a patientDescription automatically generated

A person performing surgery on a person's chestDescription automatically generated
A person with surgery tools on their stomachDescription automatically generated

A person performing surgery on a person's bodyDescription automatically generated
A person's hand holding tweezers to a woundDescription automatically generated

A person's hand holding a piece of meatDescription automatically generated
A person with a surgical toolDescription automatically generated

A person with a wound on his stomachDescription automatically generated
A close up of a skinDescription automatically generated
The flap should encompass skin, subcutaneous tissue, platysma
A close up of a person's chestDescription automatically generated
  • Hemostasis should be ensured prior to closure
  • Can apply a hemostatic agent as pictured
A close up of a syringeDescription automatically generated
A person holding a syringe in the neck of a personDescription automatically generated

A close up of a woundDescription automatically generated

A wound on a person's backDescription automatically generated
A close up of a scar on a person's neckDescription automatically generated
A wound on a person's neckDescription automatically generated
A person with a bandage around their neckDescription automatically generated

A person wearing blue glove holding a gauzeDescription automatically generated

Postoperative Considerations


  • Q4 drain output PRN
  • Bacitracin to wound

Follow Up:

  • None

Operative Note



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